Are you an early Endemic supporter? Join Endemic mint sprint whitelist and earn NFTs!

2 min readFeb 22, 2022


Dear Endemic community members,

You are our tribe, part of one big Endemic family. Having you with us from Day #1 brings a warm glow of joy and eternal gratitude to our hearts.

That’s why we have a surprise for you. 🥳🥳

All members on Discord and Telegram channel that were with us before the Feb 22 (just before our launch) will get a free NFT from the Endemic collectibles series.

We call it:

Endemic mint sprint

It lasts for 48 hours from this moment and the only thing we require you to do is:

1.⃣Be in both Discord and Telegram groups — not hard, you’re were already there even before our launch, right?

2.⃣Create Endemic Profile — and enjoy amazing already minted artworks by our Endemic artists

3.⃣Re-share our tweet about Endemic mint sprint— let’s spread the word

4.⃣Fill out this form if you were our member before 22.02.2022. (just before our launch) — so we can check everything is in order and reward you

Not that hard, right.

NFT your going to get is something special and ultra-rare from the Endemic collectibles series. We mustn’t say much at the moment since it’s going to be a big surprise but all the small details about it as well as minting info will be announced on our channels. Don’t miss it!

Another very important thing. You as our early adopter and supporter will always stay close to our hearts.

Luckily, Endy, the octopus has three hearts so there is plenty of space for all new community members.

In 48h, just after our Endemic mint sprint finishes, there will be more opportunities to get whitelisted both for old and new members. We ask only for your support, involvement in our beautiful community you’re part of and spreading the love for Endemic.

Be sure you follow our channels (especially Discord) to get all info in time:

📰 News: | Telegram Announcements | Medium | Website |

📱 Socials:| Telegram | Discord | Twitter | Instagram |

