Smart contract audit successfully passed ✅
With great joy and enthusiasm, we share our partnership with Zokyo — an end-to-end security resource that provides distinguishable security auditing and penetration testing services alongside prominent vulnerability assessments.
There are not many people in the crypto world who don’t know about Zokyo and we are sure working closely with this team will provide extra security and reliability for all Endemic marketplace users.
So, what does this audit mean?
Zokyo audits are essential to blockchain business and process. Basically, a group of hackers with a world-class reputation for auditing the ‘smart contracts’ reviewed Endemic code line by line, targeting and documenting any issues as they are discovered. It fills our hearts with joy and ease that Zokyo’s Blockchain Security team has confirmed that Endemic smart contracts passed security qualifications with a high score and without any critical issues.
Furthermore, throughout the review process, it is ensured that the Endemic smart contract:
- Follows and implements the existing Token standards appropriately
- Distributes tokens in a manner that matches calculations
- Is safe from various hacking attacks and is not affected by the latest vulnerabilities
- Has code that meets the best practices and documentation match logic and behaviour
- Follows best practices and efficient use of gas, without unnecessary waste
With that being said, we’re happy to share our score (drum rolls):
It’s impossible to describe how satisfied and happy we are with this high result, seeing all that work paid off. The endemic marketplace is now one step closer to the final goal — launch and it’s no less than completely safe for our users.
Full official report with a perfect score of 100/100, you can find in this PDF file.
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