Endemic AMA: April line-up

4 min readApr 11, 2022


Some of you probably notice we’ve been hanging out on Twitter Spaces more often. Firstly, we held two AMAs in March there and then we had an Endemic chat about the Endy mascot finalists with our juries. April will be no different — a lot of fun, good conversations and hanging out with the Endemic community are ahead of us.

Chill with the Endy mascot winner

We’re starting AMAs in April with the winner of the Endy Mascot Contest. Around 40 artworks arrived at our address from world-class artists all around the world. The jury picked the six finalists and then our community voted for the best on the Discord channel.

Tune in Tuesday, APR 12, 17h CET and learn about the winner, find out the story behind the mascot and some of our plans with it.

Capturing stunning moments across the globe — Leslie Spurlock

Photojournalist for Zuma Press, a storm chaser and humanitarian, Leslie Spurlock is a talented and gifted photographer who has been capturing stunning pictures across the globe. With her unique style and one-of-a-kind shots, she covered stories all over the world — from the USA to the Amazon, and Haiti taking breathtaking pictures wherever she goes.

She got started in her photojournalism career when she decided to make a bold move and go to Haiti to do some documentary work. There are some extraordinary stories from that tough period of time and we’ll wait until Leslie tells us all about it in the Endemic AMA. Having a short pause from photojournalism and then returning to it, she felt it was her place to be and has been doing a fantastic job since then.

Not only that, but Leslie is involved in storm chasing, capturing the heart of the storms and the aftermaths of Katrina, Rita, Harvey, Laura, Ida, and Delta. She has been published worldwide including in Time, Wall Street Journal, Mother Jones, NY Post, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, Miami Herald, Austin American Statesman, Daily Mail, ABC, CNN, Yahoo and many more. Check Leslie’s work on her website.

There’s nothing more we need to say, this is the AMA you have to listen to. Join us on APR 14, 18h CET on our Twitter Space.

SNAFU artist collective — home for underground NFT artists

Completely emerging in the NFT sphere, SNAFU is an Italian underground Artists Collective 2.0 that proposes the creation of a coin whose value could be strictly bound to the artworks sold through the collective as NFTs (Non-Fungible Token). The coin’s purpose will be to create a DAO that will decide how to sustain the artistic collective’s initiatives, financing projects, and young artists. They established an emerging platform that leverages the new power NFTs have brought to the art world to provide a steadier revenue stream to the global and local art community.

The project we’re going to talk about in AMA with SNAFU is a Bored David — a masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture, created by the Italian artist Michelangelo, that SNAFU decided to use as their mascot. We absolutely love this project and can’t wait for the mint soon.

Jump Endemic AMA on APR 28th, 6 pm CET and hear everything from our guest — Dan Rusnac.

Join the Endemic fam on all the channels!

Although all Endemic AMAs will from now on be held on our Twitter, we sincerely invite you to all of our channels where amazing conversation happens and people are truly bonding. You wouldn’t want to miss the fun.

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Written by Endemic

AI Curated NFT Marketplace

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